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Deaf West Theater in NYC
Deaf West Theater offers performances with sign language.

Visual Arts Center of NJ

Visual Arts Center of NJ offers Community Engagement Programs focused on under-served, economically disadvantaged and marginalized audiences incluing at-risk youth, the elderly, persons with diabilites and more.


VSA New Jersey - State Organization on Arts and Disability


Arts Unbound

Arts Unbound in Maplewood NJ is an organization dedicated to the creative expression of persons with disabilities. Our headquarters (studio and gallery) are barrier free, as are all public spaces used by us to feature the work of artists and to host events. Upon prior request, information will be made available in alternate formats such as Braille, large print, audiotape, computer, and/or via a sign-language interpreter.


Kids Included Together (KIT)

Kids Included Together (KIT) provides best practices training to help communities, businesses, and child care & recreation programs include children with all kinds of disabilities and special needs.  Viewing disability as a form of diversity rather than a deficiency enables positive outcomes for all children.


NEA Accessibility - Grants and Resources


The Council for Exceptional Children

The Council for Exceptional Children offers Webinars, Workshops and Summits in the area of special education.  The organization is active in local, state and federal issues, highlighting their arts advocacy letters earlier this year opposing the ESEA bill for several reasons.  This is an excellent website for professional development and also special education news and policy information.

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